Update V0.3.5 (Space Station)

This is my first attempt at change notes. I'm not sure how diligent I'll be about these in the future, but will try to at least post for the major updates.

Version 0.3.5 (May 9 2023)

- Swapped planet's satellite for a nicer space station model.
- Added a placeholder ghost blue sphere to indicate where target will be at closest intercept.
- Added dust motes to home planet.
- MAJOR refactor/rework of Unity's cameras and canvases. Removed the pixelated camera effect completely. Allow for flexible resolution.

Version 0.3.2 (May 2 2023)

- Added closest intercept markers for Satellites (applies to any fixed orbit object).
- Closest intercept code optimized (event driven instead of extra call on every loop)
- Closest intercepts now show distance text over them.
- Added automatic build versioning. Previous app versions published were either 0.1.0 or 0.2.0 (very old).
- Save file now stores build version.


webgl.zip Play in browser
May 09, 2023

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